Dev Blog

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Overview (116 Entries)

Entry 68 - Crab & Arrows - July 2, 2017

Another animal! It's a crab!

> click to enlarge

Oh yes, I know, insane triangle count for my standards but... these things have just SO MANY LEGS!

I made some arrows. I plan to have more arrow variants in Stranded III than I had in Stranded II.

Currently the sharpened point arrow is the most simple one. It's basically a sharpened stick with feathers:

> click to enlarge

If you have a sharp stone you can also make the more advanced stone point arrow which will cause more damage:

> click to enlarge

You managed to get some poison somehow? Craft a poison arrow!

> click to enlarge

And you can also set stuff on fire with arrows. You just need a fire arrow to do so:

> click to enlarge

An arrow with a tranquilizer would also be pretty cool.
And I can think of a lot of other arrow types. E.g. other points like metal or teeth or bones. Or replacements for feathers like leaves or duct tape. There could even be a simple sharpened stick without feathers or anything. Of course that one would have a pretty low range when used as arrow.


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