
Stranded III is the third part of the survival game franchise “Stranded” by Unreal Software. The game is currently in an early development stage. This website is used to blog about the latest progress and to keep you informed.

Game Facts

Engine, Modding, Requirements


Release, Platforms, Price

What is Stranded I and II?!

Stranded I and II are 3D first person survival games. I made them a long time before the survival genre became mainstream and well known. Stranded I was released in 2003, Stranded II in 2007. There were only very few other survival games. There was no Minecraft back then. Take a look at or if you want to learn more about the predecessors of Stranded III!

Who are you?

Hi, I'm Peter. A professional and hobbyist game developer from Hamburg, Germany. I'm making games in my spare time for over 20 years. Also I'm working in the games industry as a software engineer for over 7 years. Stranded III is my current main hobby project.


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